8. Globbing and File Management

Globbing is a powerful tool for file management, but like its cousin the chainsaw, it is a dangerous tool that demands respect and caution in its use. Remember that mv, rm, and cp can clobber files! Let’s take globbing for a spin in this hazardous arena.

Let us begin by makinig some files and directories with these commands.

unix> mkdir jail
unix> cd jail
unix> touch rocky flattop joker penguin riddler
unix> cd ..
unix> ls -F
alan  betty chuck david emily faith jail/

How do we get the prisoners out? Watch this trick.

MAC:Tue Jan 04:13:22:tossme> ls
alan    chuck   emily   flattop joker   riddler
betty   david   faith   jail    penguin rocky

Notice the use of the . (dot). So all files are moved out of jail into our cwd. Let’s jail everyone whose name contains a t.

MAC:Tue Jan 04:13:22:tossme> mv *t* jail
MAC:Tue Jan 04:13:24:tossme> ls jail
betty   faith   flattop

Now watch this.

MAC:Tue Jan 04:13:24:tossme> ls jail/f*
jail/faith   jail/flattop

Here are all prisoners whose name begins with the letter f. So, globbing can be used to create sets of arguments for UNIX commands.