from math import log, e, sin, cos
## you can now use log(x) for the natural log of x.
## You can only use the imported functions that I specify.
def greet(name):
"""prec: name is a keyword argument with default value "Stranger"
postc: returns the string Hello, name!"""
return ""
def log_base(x, b):
"""prec: x > 0 and b > 0 is a keyword argument
postc: use the change-of-base formula to compute
the logarithm of x with base b. The default is that
the natural log of x is returned."""
return 0
def truncate(s, n):
"""prec: s is a string, n is a nonnegative integer
and a keyword argument. if len(x) > s return s; otherwise
truncate at n. By default, n = 3."""
return ""
def protean_sin(x, radians):
"""prec: x is a number, radians is a boolean and a
keyword argument.
postc: returns sin(x) using radians if radians is True
and sin(x) in degrees if radians is false.
The default is True"""
return 0
def protean_asin(x, radians):
"""prec: x is a number, -1 <= x <= 1.
radians is a keyword argument.
postc: returns sin(x) using radians if radians is True
and arcsin(x) in degrees if radians is false.
The default is True."""
return 0
Here is some test code.
############## Problem 1 Tests ####################
run_test(greet, "Hello, Stranger!", [])
run_test(greet, "Hello, Nixon!", ["Nixon"])
############## Problem 2 Tests ####################
run_test_float(log_base, 2, [100, 10])
run_test_float(log_base, 0.6931471805599453, [2])
run_test_float(log_base, -2, [.01, 10])
############## Problem 3 Tests ####################
run_test(truncate, "cat", ["caterwaul"])
run_test(truncate, "cater", ["caterwaul", 5])
run_test(truncate, "caterwaul", ["caterwaul", 20])
############## Problem 4 Tests ####################
run_test_float(protean_sin, 1, [pi/2])
run_test_float(protean_sin, 1, [pi/2, True])
run_test_float(protean_sin, 1, [90, False])
############## Problem 5 Tests ####################
run_test_float(protean_asin, pi/2, [1])
run_test_float(protean_asin, pi/2, [1, True])
run_test_float(protean_asin, 90, [1, False])